Yung-Hung Huang
ć | a hong539 | Ȱ Taiwan (R.O.C) Taipei
Systems architecture Jan. 2021 Present
Web System design
System migration and refactoring
Deploy architecture from Java spring microservices to Kubernetes
Deploy architecture from VMs to Dcoker/Kubernetes
Migration/Refactoring Infrastructure from Alibaba Cloud to AWS
Backup for Infrastructure
Cloud Computing Jan. 2021 Present
Amazon Web Services(AWS)
Google Cloud Platform(GCP)
Alibaba Cloud
Kubernetes Jan. 2022 Present
Maintain operations for k8s Cluster
Troubleshooting: pod crashloopbackoff, network, I/O problems(Race Condition, OOM Out of memory)...etc
Subsystem research and deploy: Ingress-NGINX, Cert-manager, Prometheus, Grafana, Redis, RabbitMQ,
Elasticsearch, Fluentbit, Kibana, Gitlab runner, Tekton, KubeSphere, EMQX, Nacos, RocketMQ, ZooKeeper
Building a local-library-website with the Python Django Webframework
Languages & Tools: Proxmox Virtual Environment, Arch Linux, Python, Django, JavaScript/HTML/CSS,
PostgreSQL, SQLite
Building a system based on distributed model with multi k8s Clusters which provides streaming services
Based on an open source project: SRS(Simple Realtime Server), we create backend-API with golang as Webhook
to extend the SRS server features and frontend interface via React + Next.js.
Languages & Tools: Kubernetes, k6, kubectl-graph, Tekton, C++, ffmpeg, Golang, go-callvis, go-swagger, Alibaba
Cloud, GCP, CDN network, JavaScript, Node.js
Building a web-service monitor/alarm system such as Datadog,UptimeRobot...etc
Because of the data loss of our third-par ty monitoring API, I develope a backend service to collect data on third-party
network monitor system and push those data to our MariaDB for grafana datasource.
Languages & Tools: Python, Requests, Beautiful Soup, Selenium, undetected-chromedriver, pandas, SQLAlchemy,
MariaDB, crontab, Grafana
National Dong Hwa University Sep. 2016 Jan. 2019
Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering Shoufeng, Hualien
Thesis: Ultrafast Pump-probe Transient A bsorption Spectroscopy of Layer-controllable Molybdenum Disulfide Films
Research: Semiconductor Materials
Languages : Mandarin (native), English (professional working proficiency)
Programming : Python(proficient), C(competence), JavaScript/HTML/CSS(competence), SQL(competence)
Frameworks : Selenium, pandas, SQLAlchemy
Infra : Kubernetes, GitLab Runner, Tekton