Yung-Hung Huang
ć | a hong539 | Ȱ Taiwan (R.O.C) Taipei
Systems architecture Jan. 2021 – Present
Web System design
System migration and refactoring
Deploy architecture from Java spring microservices to Kubernetes
Deploy architecture from VMs to Dcoker/Kubernetes
Migration/Refactoring Infrastructure from Alibaba Cloud to AWS
Backup for Infrastructure
Cloud Computing Jan. 2021 – Present
Amazon Web Services(AWS)
Google Cloud Platform(GCP)
Alibaba Cloud
Kubernetes Jan. 2022 – Present
Maintain operations for k8s Cluster
Troubleshooting: pod crashloopbackoff, network, I/O problems(Race Condition, OOM Out of memory)...etc
Subsystem research and deploy: Ingress-NGINX, Cert-manager, Prometheus, Grafana, Redis, RabbitMQ,
Elasticsearch, Fluentbit, Kibana, Gitlab runner, Tekton, KubeSphere, EMQX, Nacos, RocketMQ, ZooKeeper
Building a local-library-website with the Python Django Webframework
Languages & Tools: Proxmox Virtual Environment, Arch Linux, Python, Django, JavaScript/HTML/CSS,
PostgreSQL, SQLite
Building a system based on distributed model with multi k8s Clusters which provides streaming services
Based on an open source project: SRS(Simple Realtime Server), we create backend-API with golang as Webhook
to extend the SRS server features and frontend interface via React + Next.js.
Languages & Tools: Kubernetes, k6, kubectl-graph, Tekton, C++, ffmpeg, Golang, go-callvis, go-swagger, Alibaba
Cloud, GCP, CDN network, JavaScript, Node.js
Building a web-service monitor/alarm system such as Datadog,UptimeRobot...etc
Because of the data loss of our third-par ty monitoring API, I develope a backend service to collect data on third-party
network monitor system and push those data to our MariaDB for grafana datasource.
Languages & Tools: Python, Requests, Beautiful Soup, Selenium, undetected-chromedriver, pandas, SQLAlchemy,
MariaDB, crontab, Grafana